13 Şubat - 8 Mart tarihleri arasında DEPO'da İstanbul izleyicisiyle buluşacak ÇANAKKALE BİENALİ: Koordinatlar, 3. ve 4. Uluslararası Çanakkale Bienalleri'nin açtığı kavramsal çerçeveden hareketle, Çanakkale kentinin sosyal ve kültürel dokusunu belirleyen tarihsel belleğini ele alıyor. Sergi militarizm, mitolojiler ve mikro-makro anlatılar, tarihin anıtlaştırılması gibi evrensel olguları, Çanakkale'nin özgün bağlamından hareketle irdeleyen yapıtları bir araya getiriyor.
Sanatçılar: Nikita Alexeev (Moskova), Nigol Bezjian (Beyrut), Klaus vom Bruch (Berlin), Ayşe Erkmen (Berlin-İstanbul), Aladdin Garunov (Moskova), Jakob Gautel (Paris), Güven İncirlioğlu (İzmir), Grigor Khachatryan(Erivan), Komet (İstanbul), Sıtkı Kösemen (İstanbul), Ulrike Rosenbach (Düseldorf), Viron Erol Vert (Berlin-İstanbul), Yeni Anıt (Mardin-İstanbul), Ani Setyan (İstanbul), Hakan Kırdar (İzmir)
Küratöryel Ekip: Beral Madra (Genel Sanat Yönetmeni), Seyhan Boztepe (Bienal Direktörü), Deniz Erbaş(Kurumsal Küratör)
Hafriyatın Haysiyeti / Dignity of Digging , Video version, indoor ınstallation view
Çanakkale Biennial: Coordinates 40°9′0″N-26°24′0″E
14 February - 8 March 2015
Opening: Friday, 13 February, 18:30Artists: Nikita Alexeev, Nigol Bezjian, Klaus vom Bruch, Ayşe Erkmen, Aladdin Garunov, Jakob Gautel, Güven İncirlioğlu, Grigor Khachatryan, Komet, Sıtkı Kösemen, Ulrike Rosenbach, Viron Erol Vert, Yeni Anıt, Ani Setyan, Hakan KırdarCuratorial Team: Beral Madra (General Art Director), Seyhan Boztepe (Biennial Director), Deniz Erbaş (Corporate Curator)Depo is hosting a selection of works from the 3rd and 4th Çanakkale Biennials. The exhibition Çanakkale Biennial: Coordinates follows the conceptual framework generated by the last two biennials, addressing the historical memory which determines Çanakkale’s actual social and cultural texture. The exhibition brings together works that examine universal phenomena such as militarism, mythologies and micro-macro narratives and the monumentalization of history, within the unique context of the city.The conceptual frameworks chosen for the International Çanakkale Biennial since the beginning, all receive support from a foundation that takes into account and examines the country’s, region’s and world’s political, social, cultural realities and problems and then interprets and criticizes them through the generation of art. The Biennial is organized by CABININ - Çanakkale Biennial Initiative, and supported by the Çanakkale Municipality. Carried out in Çanakkale’s structures of historical and cultural importance and its densely populated public spaces, the biennial manages to implement the phenomenon of “Contemporary Art in a Public Space” reflecting the relational aesthetic rhetoric of today’s art.With its grand narratives from Ancient Troy to the Gallipoli Campaign where half a million souls were lost in the first years of WW1, Çanakkale is a city that brings to mind the “phenomenon of war”. Organized in 2014 while the centennial of World War 1 was commemorated worldwide, the 4th International Çanakkale Biennial aimed at opening an artistic and intellectual space which brings forth a critical stance in relation to the problems created by the wars of our times, against the various ideologies that “mythologize and sanctify war”.Supporters: Anadolu Kültür, Open Society Foundation, ÇATKAV (Çanakkale History and Culture Foundation), Çanakkale Municipality, I.U. Information Center Without Disability, Avantgarde Collection
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